Message from Chairman of Board of Directors
Message from Chairman of Board of Directors
Dear shareholders, business partners, clients and all stakeholders,
On behalf of the board of directors, management, and all employees ofAppliCAD Public Company Limited, I would like to express our sincere gratitudefor the trust and support you have given us in 2023. The relationships and stabilitywe have built together are a crucial foundation that allows our company toinnovate, create solutions that meet customer needs, and grow sustainably.
Our business operations are driven by a commitment to adhere strictly togovernance principles. We prioritize transparency and honesty above all, believingthey are essential for achieving lasting success. We are dedicated to providinghigh-quality services and products and insist on ethical conduct, which we takegreat pride in.
Furthermore, we focus on development under the ESG (Environmental,Social, and Governance) concept, which is at the heart of modern businesspractices. Our involvement in environmental protection, social justice promotion,and strict governance not only reflects our commitment to quality products andservices but also our intention to positively impact society and our planet. Amidenvironmental challenges and social changes, we believe investing in ESG isinvesting in our future and that of future generations.Finally, I thank everyone for your trust and ongoing support for ourbusiness, as well as our management and employees for their dedication andcompetence. Rest assured that our board, management, and employees willcontinue to perform their duties with awareness and responsibility. We hope foryour continued support and to grow steadily together with the company.On behalf of the board of directors, management, and all employees ofAppliCAD Public Company Limited, I extend boundless gratitude and deepgoodwill to everyone who is part of this year’s journey. Your cooperation and trustenable us to implement our ESG strategies, achieve sustainability in all aspects,and grow together at every step. We are committed to maintaining our standardsand improving our business operations in the coming year. Thank you all onceagain for your support and dedication, and may we all find happiness, well-being,and success in every aspect of life.”
Asst.Prof.Dr. Prasert Kanthamanon
Chairman of Board of Directors