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[eptar] Reinforcement

Eptar is many new capabilities added to users. with these abilities This will make the design process more efficient than ever.
By creating in Archicad.


English – German – Hungarian – Croatian – Romanian   |   ARCHICAD 23-24   |   WIN

Attention! This version is only compatible with Windows. MacOS version is coming later!

The NEW version of Reinforcement for Archicad is already available witn some very useful new functions!

  • Reinforcement of concrete wall edges, by placing shear rebars in corners of openings
  • Reinforcement of concrete slab edges, by placing shear rebars in corners of holes
  • Slab edge reinforcement and wall edge reinforcement listing by components
  • Listing of different length rebars by length
  • New column and beam komplex elements
  • Automatic update indicator

The new version is free for those customers who have already the 3.0 version of Reinforcement.

This solution helps designers to draw documents and lists the necessary reinforcement for their buildings in ArchiCAD. The application provides tools to define all 2D drawings as well as complete 3D models.

The solution contains a library of different reinforcement objects and an Add-on. They provide great freedom in defining constructions and also help to specify complex objects. Eptar Reinforcement also checks the rebar ID numbering and corrects it if is necessary. With Reinforcement tool, users can simply calculate the necessary amount of rebars. Iron list is available on the floor plan just as the interactive schedule.

  • Automatic reinforcement of straight, slanted and curved
  • Automatic reinforcement of roofs with Mesh and Rebar elements
  • Automatic reinforcement of complex roofs
  • Automatic reinforcement of multiply roof surfaces
  • Most used rebar and stirrup forms are preset, but custom polygonal forms can be set too
  • Steel elements can be rotated, thus more difficult constructions (e.g. stairs) can be modeled
  • Complex elements (columns, beams and crownings) can be defined
  • Many view and display options
  • Cutting list generation
  • Changes can easily be made on the layout and in the Object Settings window as well
  • License borrowing: get for limited time (7 days) the activation key offline. After this time period the key become online again. This option is but permanent, and you can use it at any time. It can be ordered for your existing license, too.

To have license please buy it directly in our webshop, or order it from your local reseller! After you received the registration data, you should register the license in Archicad.


  • ArchiCAD 24
  • ArchiCAD 23
Supported ArchiCAD versions Version 3.0 Version 2.1
ArchiCAD 24 /
ArchiCAD 23 / /
ArchiCAD 22 /

Reinforcement main features Version 3.0 Version 2.1 Demo version
Archicad 24 compatibility /
Automatic Reinforcement of CURVED walls /
Automatic Reinforcement of SLANTED walls /
Reinforcement wreaths and edges on slabs /
Shear rebar placement for slab cutouts corners /
Updated user interface /
Automatic reinforcement of roofs with mesh or rebar tool / /
Several roof plains are now reinfoceable at the same time / /
Automatic reinfocement of complex roofs / /
A floating palette that can be placed likely / / /
Automatic reinforcement of walls / / /
Several walls or slabs can be reinforced with a single selection / / /
Multiple layers of rebar can be placed at a time / / /
Placement of upturned or folded mesh / / /
Distributable rebars along the curve / / /
New rebar object which linear meter can be adjusted in kg/m / / /
Adjustable value of concrete cover in case of top or button reinforcement / / /
The different length rebars can be displayed separately in the cutting list / / /
In case of mesh, the multidirectional rebars can be listed separately / / /
In case of circle cross-section the radius of the stirrup is displayed in the list / / /
The value of the joint length is displayed in the list / / /
exact display of rebar bending in 3D / / /
dimension unit choice / / /
global display settings (2D, 3D, labels and texts) / / /
intelligent markers / / /
new stirrup types / / /
label option for views / / /
custom label texts / / /
preset common rebars and stirrups / / /
custom polygonal rebar forms / / /
rebars can be rotated in space / / /
automatic array of meshes and bars / / /
complex element:
unlimited use of columns
/ /
complex element:
unlimited use of beams
/ /
complex element:
unlimited use of crownings
/ /
unlimited rebar placement / /
making automatic cutting list / /
more layout display options / / /
displaying views on the floor plan / / /
exporting list into TXT / / /


New feature: – license borrowing!
Please contact us for price and availability!

Reinforcement is available with several new functions. With the help of Reinforcement 2.1, the design process is more efficient than ever.

This solution helps designers to draw documents and lists the necessary reinforcement for their buildings in ArchiCAD. The application provides tools to define all 2D drawings as well as complete 3D models.

The solution contains a library of different reinforcement objects and an Add-on. They provide great freedom in defining constructions and also help to specify complex objects. Eptar Reinforcement also checks the rebar ID numbering and corrects it if is necessary. With Reinforcement tool, users can simply calculate the necessary amount of rebars. Iron list is available on the floor plan just as the interactive schedule.

  • License borrowing: get for limited time (7 days) the activation key offline. After this time period the key become online again. This option is but permanent, and you can use it at any time. It can be ordered for your existing license, too.
  • Most used rebar and stirrup forms are preset, but custom polygonal forms can be set too
  • Steel elements can be rotated, thus more difficult constructions (e.g. stairs) can be modeled
  • Complex elements (columns, beams and crownings) can be defined
  • Many view and display options
  • Cutting list generation
  • Automatic correction of enumeration
  • Changes can easily be made on the layout and in the Object Settings window as well
  • Automatic reinforcement of walls
  • Several walls or slabs can be reinforced with a single selection
  • Multiple layers of rebar can be placed at a time


  • ArchiCAD 23
  • ArchiCAD 22

Eptar Reinforcement plugin runs in demo mode until you purchase the product.

Demo mode functions as the full version but the amount of rebars used to define complex elements and make listing, is limited.

Reinforcement main features Version 2.1 Version 2.0 Version 1.5 Demo version
Automatic reinforcement of roofs with mesh or rebar tool /
Several roof plains are now reinfoceable at the same time/
Automatic reinfocement of complex roofs/
A floating palette that can be placed likely// /
Automatic reinforcement of walls// /
Several walls or slabs can be reinforced with a single selection// /
Multiple layers of rebar can be placed at a time// /
Placement of upturned or folded mesh// /
Distributable rebars along the curve// /
New rebar object which linear meter can be adjusted in kg/m// /
Adjustable value of concrete cover in case of top or button reinforcement// /
The different length rebars can be displayed separately in the cutting list// /
In case of mesh, the multidirectional rebars can be listed separately // /
In case of circle cross-section the radius of the stirrup is displayed in the list// /
The value of the joint length is displayed in the list// /
exact display of rebar bending in 3D////
dimension unit choice////
global display settings (2D, 3D, labels and texts)////
intelligent markers////
new stirrup types////
label option for views////
custom label texts////
preset common rebars and stirrups////
custom polygonal rebar forms////
rebars can be rotated in space////
automatic array of meshes and bars////
complex element:
unlimited use of columns
complex element:
unlimited use of beams
complex element:
unlimited use of crownings
unlimited rebar placement///
making automatic cutting list///
more layout display options////
displaying views on the floor plan////
exporting list into TXT/// /