Proven 2D CAD with the compatibility and
productivity you need at the best value
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DraftSight Enterprise

The solution for 2D and 3D draft that can help you be able to design draft in an effective way.

DraftSight Enterprise

DraftSight Enterprise & Enterprise Plus: Sending SOLIDWORKS without distortion. Design solutions for 2D and 3D work that you can draft more efficiently, answering various tasks such as Prototyping , Manufacturing, Laser Cutting, etc.

DraftSight® 2D CAD Drafting

The collaboration of 2D Drafting and 3D CAD

Many organizations shifted from 2D Drafting to 3D CAD for better product design, construction drawing, and production process. However, it’s undeniable that Drafting is still essential in the traditional way of designing, whether it is a work in the field of electrical drawings in various layouts, even comment in 2D design, enabling collaboration between 2D and 3D works.

Why Draftsight Enterprise

  • Network License makes it possible to use within the whole organization.
  • Able to write APIs and LISPs so that Draftsman can work effectively.
  • Reduce CAD costs by up to 80% compared to other 2D CAD.
  • Flexible
  • Can send files to SOLIDWORKS without distortion.
Achieve concurrent usage, compliance and cost savings with DraftSight Enterprise. Learn more


DraftSight Enterprise Package